A wedding florist does so much more than just design your bouquet! They can design the centerpieces to your reception tables, hairpieces, ceremony arches, corsages, boutonnieres, and so on.
Why these things? Well, first of all, you have to tell your Florist where the arrangements will be delivered. Second, your Florist will design arrangements that match your wedding theme (if you are having a spring wedding they shouldn’t design arrangements with fall colors). Third, choosing your dress first will make it easier to decide on a design for your bouquet!
Before meeting with any Florist Designer be sure to have your color scheme picked out, make a list of the flowers you really like, and bring pictures or examples of arrangements that appeal to you.
After meeting with any Florist Designer, and before you make a decision, ask yourself: Did they answer all my questions? Are they open to my suggestions or listen to my decisions? Am I comfortable with them? Do I feel confident that they will design what I am looking for?
After choosing your Florist, be sure to provide them with pictures of your wedding dress and bridesmaids dresses. Provide them with a color swatch of your color scheme. This information will help them design your arrangements to complete perfections.
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